Home > Ferrari Part 63622400 Washer in Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) (Mechanical Table 045 Steering Hydraulic Box, Linkage)
Ferrari Part 63622400 Washer in Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) (Mechanical Table 045 Steering Hydraulic Box, Linkage)

Product Description
Ferrari part number 63622400, WASHER, shown here as used in a Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) (Mechanical Table 045 Steering Hydraulic Box, Linkage).
For other instances where this part is used, please click on the link in the table below:
Make and Model | Diagram and (Location in Diagram) |
Ferrari 348 (2.7 Motronic) | Table 135 Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories (Not for USA) (012) |
Ferrari 348 (2.7 Motronic) | Table 137 Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories (Proper for USA) (012) |
Ferrari 348 TB (1993) | Table 126A Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories, Not for USA From M.Y. 90 (012) |
Ferrari 348 TB (1993) | Table 126C Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories, Proper for USA From M.Y. 90 (012) |
Ferrari 348 TS (1993) | Table 126A Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories, Not for USA From M.Y. 90 (012) |
Ferrari 348 TS (1993) | Table 126C Dashboard Instrument Panel, Trim, Accessories, Proper for USA From M.Y. 90 (012) |
Ferrari 355 (2.7 Motronic) | Table 039 Steering Hydraulic Box Proper for Power Steering (029) |
Ferrari 355 (2.7 Motronic) | Table 132 Dashboard Instrument Panel Not for Airbags Cars (034) |
Ferrari 355 (2.7 Motronic) | Table 133 Dashboard Instrument Panel Proper for Airbags Cars (031) |
Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) | Table 044 Handbrake (041) |
Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) | Table 045 Steering Hydraulic Box, Linkage (029) |
Ferrari 355 (5.2 Motronic) | Table 132 Dashboard Instrument Panel (031) |
Ferrari 456 GT | Table 049 Handbrake Proper for 456 GT (052) |
Ferrari 456 GTA | Table 049 Handbrake Proper for 456 GT (052) |
Ferrari 456 M GT | Table 052 Handbrake Not for 456M GTA (052) |
Ferrari 456 M GT | Table 053 Handbrake Proper for 456M GTA (028) |
Ferrari 456 M GTA | Table 052 Handbrake Not for 456M GTA (052) |
Ferrari 456 M GTA | Table 053 Handbrake Proper for 456M GTA (028) |
Ferrari 550 Barchetta | Table 044 Handbrake (052) |
Ferrari 550 Maranello | Table 045 Handbrake (052) |
Ferrari 575 Superamerica | Table 048 Handbrake (052) |
Ferrari 575M Maranello | Table 048 Handbrake (052) |
Ferrari Enzo | Table 035 Handbrake, Calipers (011) |